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ELLY: Thankful for Second Chances

"I thank God for giving me a second chance.  The first part of my life was very bad,  I did not think I would have another chance, but God has given me one."

Elly comes from a family of 10 children.  Her father is a herdsman and her mother is a housewife.  Elly has a son, Derick, who was born December 2010.  She was able to complete 8th grade in 2012, but could not go on to high school due to a lack of school fees.  Elly was sent to Nairobi to help earn money for her family but came back due to complications with finding work.

Elly is finishing up her completed her second year at NEEMA.  She has seen her life change in many ways since coming to Neema.  She learned about God and made the decision to follow Christ and was baptized last year.  She enjoys reading her Bible, singing, and learning how to draw near to God.  She has enjoyed learning the skill of dressmaking class and is proud to have completed the Level 1 & 2 National Dressmaking Exam.  

Elly is a hard worker with a joyful spirit and she is excited about what the Lord has for her in the future.  The people in her village are proud of her and she has a church family invested in her life.  Many are prepared to employ her upon her arrival home in 2017.