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"Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.
The tongue is also a fire..."
James 3:5-6

"Jesus said..., "Anyone who says [to his brother or sister], 'You fool,'
will be in danger of the fire..."
Matthew 5:22

If, in any way, I belittle those who I am called to serve...

if I adopt a superior attitude, forgetting to consider the wisdom of the voice that asks me, inwardly, "Who made you different from the one you are criticizing - and what do you have that you have not been given?"...

if I can easily discuss the shortcomings or the sins of any man or woman...

if I can speak in an off-handed way, even of a child's wrongdoing...

then I know nothing of Calvary love.

My Father, how often do our words "singe" someone else? And how much time do I spend thinking critically about another - so that nothing but words that singe come out? I pray for the NEEMA girls. Today, Lord, work in them. Change the thought-life in them when/if they strip others of dignity... or reduce them point by point... in order to build themselves up. And give them Your voice, to speak words of value... admiration... encouragement... compassion... true kindness...

Devotion rewritten from "I Come Quietly To Meet You", Amy Carmichael.