Your impact in the lives of women like Winnie reaches 8x as many people!
Winnie with her daughter Princess
As a teenager, Winnie was abandoned by her father and her mother passed away. She had to drop out of school by 9th grade because she lived in extreme poverty and couldn’t afford school fees. Like many vulnerable young women in rural Kenya, she became pregnant.
Soon after Winnie joined Neema and spent time in counseling to process the pain from her past. She also built close friendships, grew spiritually, and passed her national exams in dressmaking! Today, Winnie works at a local shop and also does additional dressmaking work from her home. With her income, she supports 10 family members!
Running a business is never easy and can be isolating. In rural Kenya, it becomes even more difficult since many other people rely on one graduate’s income to eat, attend school, or get medical care, leaving little to reinvest in their business. Like Winnie, these graduates are an example of resilience and determination.
Winnie graduated from Neema in 2021
To help them navigate this journey, these young women continue to receive support through visits from our Business Skills Development Mentor, Eunice Korir, as well as through workshops, field trips, and participation in the annual Fashion Show. They also have unlimited access to our counselors. These initiatives are building a strong alumni network that provides the tools, encouragement, and connections they need to thrive in their businesses.
Our alumni are now professional dressmakers, caterers, and farmers, and many are involved in local churches. They are all advocates for change, uplifting themselves, their families, and communities. The Neema family is always here for them, offering a safe pace for continued growth.
“Were it not for Neema, my life would have been shattered. Being an orphan and a young mother, I did not have direction in life. But by God’s grace, Neema became my second home and a parent to me. I have learned to heal from issues that I had for so long. I started helping my fellow students who were stressed by talking to them and offering a shoulder for them. I have learned so much, and I know my life will change.”
- Winnie -
Thank you for helping these young women achieve their full potential and create lasting impact in their communities!