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The Story of neema

Neema provides skills training, counseling, and discipleship to vulnerable young women in rural Kenya. See why this work is so imperative and how it’s transforming young women and their communities. Help unleash opportunity to break the cycle of extreme poverty and join the fight!

Naomi’s Story

Naomi grew up in extreme poverty and had to drop out because of her teenage pregnancy. Despite facing immense tragedy and loss, Naomi has persisted and her life has transformed! She now says, "Having dropped out of school due to early pregnancy, I thought life had come to an end since I was struggling to raise my child. But through counseling at Neema I accepted myself and gained hope again. I learned how to read the Bible and pray. When I came to Neema, I used to do manual work for us to eat. But after gaining skills at Neema, I started my business which has helped me to provide for my family."


Benta’s Story

Life before Neema was hard for Benta. Her father was unsupportive, and her mother struggled to provide. Benta says they depended on casual labor and had a hard time acquiring food, let alone money for clothes and books. She had no choice but to drop out of school. She then became pregnant with her first child. 

The people of her village looked down on her. “They saw me like rubbish,” she says. But after coming to Neema, things changed. She says, “Now [they] respect me…and they use me to encourage their girls.” Since graduating, Benta continues to receive counseling and support through Neema’s alumni program.

How Permaculture Is Equipping Families

Extreme poverty and food insecurity are pervasive in rural Kenya where weather cycles have become unpredictable. Farmers face soil erosion, nutrient depletion, economic crises, and volatile food and fuel prices. On our farm, we’ve provided the local community with permaculture training. This method of farming increases yields and allows families to cultivate a wider variety of nutritious crops on a smaller area while regenerating soil. It also reduces families’ spending on food and provides an extra source of revenue when crops are sold. When families can afford to pay school fees, children access a higher education level, giving them more opportunities to build a future out of poverty!


New Campus Completed

In 2023, Neema completed its new campus construction, enabling twice as many vulnerable young women to join our program. These women had no choice but to drop out of school due to extreme poverty, and for many, unplanned teenage pregnancies. They now have a pathway out of extreme poverty after years of emotional trauma, lack of food, and more. Listen to them share how our new campus is empowering them to provide for themselves and their children. Some highlights of the new campus include three large classrooms, a smoke-free kitchen, a dining area (so students no longer need to eat on the ground), multiple counseling rooms, a dedicated building for our students’ children, and improved bathroom facilities. Our own water well also enables us to share clean water with the local community and farm vegetables and fruits throughout the year. We teach our students permaculture skills on our farm so they can understand how to grow nutritious crops for their families. These skills equip them to address the pressing challenge of food insecurity in rural Kenya.

500+ People Get Clean Water From the New Campus

Many women and children in rural Kenya walk miles everyday to access water. But because of our new campus, word has spread in the community that clean water is now accessible! Everyday, women and children from the surrounding area come to fetch water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing and/or watering crops. Thanks to the generosity of donors who made this borehole possible, those using it are getting back time. With more time to study and just be kids, children are increasing their chance of staying in school. And with more time to grow food or earn an income, women are increasing their household’s revenues. When families make more money and don’t depend on their children to collect water, fewer boys and girls drop out of school. All of this helps families break out of the cycle of extreme poverty. Neema’s primary goal continues to be the offering of a safe and nurturing alternative for vulnerable girls who have no choice but to drop out of school because of extreme material poverty or teen pregnancies or other vulnerabilities. And with our new campus, we’ll have the capacity to welcome TWICE as many vulnerable young women.


Who Is Neema?

We believe that every young woman is valuable and worthy of love and grace. But many of the young women at Neema come from extreme poverty, and have faced gender inequality, teen pregnancy, indentured servitude, and various forms of abuse. Neema empowers them with skills training, counseling, and discipleship so they are able to lift themselves out of poverty. These students experience healing that brings transformation to their hearts, families, and communities. We see a future where opportunity is unleashed for young women throughout eastern Africa: Oppressive systems of gender inequality are changed, the cycle of extreme poverty is broken, and hearts are restored and transformed.

Participate in a Summer Trip!

Our summer visits are centered around building relationships, learning from one another, and offering mutual encouragement. We emphasize a long-term process of engagement and growth. At Neema, we gather for morning devotions, share life stories, play games, visit homes, and more. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to connect with the students, children, and staff of Neema, and experience Kenya, this is your opportunity! Learn more.


Covid-19 in Rural Kenya

Covid-19 has had (and continues to have) a devastating impact on those who cannot access work. In many parts of the developing world, questions like “How can I get medical attention?” are overshadowed by questions like, “Will I eat today?” This is the reality for many of the families of our students and because of this, Neema has shifted from development to relief efforts. Hear about these food deliveries from our Kenyan staff members, one of our students, and her mother.

Nancy & Selter’s Story

Nancy and Selter couldn't attend high school because they lived in extreme poverty. They worked hard to keep their marks high and were crushed when they had to drop out of school. Without a quality education, their future did not hold many opportunities. But because of your support, they've been able to change the trajectory of their lives.


Meet Our Kenyan Staff Team

Hear directly from our in-country staff as we sit down with them to learn about the life-transformative and sometimes, very difficult, work being done at Neema.

Ruth’s Story

Meet Ruth and hear her story of restoration and hope!