Mission: an important assignment carried out by Leslee Albright
The Accounting Beyond Borders Staff Team
Mission: an important assignment carried out. Neema has this in abundance— "Neema exists to serve and equip vulnerable young women in Kitale, Kenya through skills training, counseling, and discipleship. We provide an environment where students experience healing that brings transformation to their hearts, families, and communities - for the glory of God."
At Accounting Beyond Borders, our mission "to empower missionaries to more fruitfully serve God’s kingdom by fulfilling their accounting needs and walking with them in ministry" has brought us the joy of being able to do that with the Neema teams in the US and Kenya. Thanks to our vantage point of “walking alongside”, we are blessed to witness the efforts and results of the execution of Neema's mission. As accountants, we are privileged to support and assist the Neema team as they responsibly steward the financial resources entrusted to them by donors in order to carry out the work God has called them to.
Regardless of role or job title, the hearts of board and staff members are united in the goal of glorifying God by being the hands and feet bringing the Good News and changing lives. Thanks to the faithfulness of each one—from the smallest administrative task, to strategic planning and fundraising, to the physically present work of the teachers, counselors, and caregivers in Kitale—the physical, intellectual, and spiritual needs of God's precious daughters are being met.
And it doesn't stop there! The transformation of a single soul is never the end of the story, and in Kitale the students are sharing their transformed lives with their peers, teachers, and families, and the ripple effect continues far beyond any perceived limits. While the inevitable challenges in pursuing transformation of hearts and lives are ever present, God is always good and faithful. From the start of the pandemic, it’s been amazing to see the staff in Kitale and the team in the US work tirelessly to pivot as needed to continue to serve the needs of their students in a world that’s been rapidly changing.
The students are thriving thanks to the commitments of donors, board members, staff members, teachers, counselors, care givers, parents, and guardians. We've all heard "it takes a village," and the Neema team is a praying, active, creative, caring group of individuals who bring their hearts, hands, and minds together to make a difference in the metaphorical village that is Neema, and the actual village of Kitale, where the lives of students, their families, and their communities are being faithfully served.
We love being a part of the Neema village—if you haven’t already, we encourage you to join in, there's always room for more!
- Written by Leslee Albright from Accounting Beyond Borders