Transformed with Confidence and Faith: Jentrix's Story
Jentrix at her new shop in 2022
At 24 years old, Jentrix is the fifth of seven children born into a polygamist family. Her mother is her father’s third wife, and she does casual labor. Jentrix’s father does not support the family, and her home life has been very unstable and sometimes abusive.
Jentrix attended traditional school until 8th grade but had to drop out because living in extreme material poverty left her unable to pay for the school supplies required to attend high school. The poverty that Jentrix’s family lives in left her highly vulnerable to abuse. But when she heard about Neema through her neighbor who was a student at the time, Jentrix was interested and came to inquire about it with her aunt.
Irine, our Residential Department Administrator, says, “Jentrix is an alumni who graduated in 2021. When she first joined Neema, she was shy. We would notice physical sensations like blushing or feeling speechless, shaky or breathless. She was unable to express herself in front of her fellow students. She had low self-esteem, and she put little value on her opinions and ideas. She was like this during the first two years that she was at Neema.
“In 2021 when she was working with other third year students in the shop, we noticed that she had improved in all her areas, especially in her weakness. She could communicate well with her fellow students. She learned the importance of being empathetic, especially in business related matters.”
Jentrix shared with one of our counselors while at Neema that she feels she’s grown in most aspects. She said she will thrive in the outside world because of how she has been nurtured at Neema, and she is no longer plagued with thoughts of threats from family members like before because she has chosen to trust in God for her protection.
Jentrix carries dinner food
Just before graduating, Jentrix shared, “For the three years at Neema, I have learned a lot of things. At first, I was not able to socialize easily. But with time, I learned to relate with others well, how to solve conflicts maturely, and how to deal with different people. When I get out of Neema, I will be able to deal [with] and handle all kinds of people including the customers for my business because I have learned how to communicate effectively.
“I have also grown spiritually through the morning devotions. Before Neema, I did not know about God. I used to hear people say that there is God, but I would ask myself that if there is God then why would he allow bad things to happen to me, or why would he allow me to pass through a lot of challenges? But while at Neema I learned that God is there, he fights for us in our battles, and I also learned that some things happen to us for a reason, and God has a purpose for me in my life.”
Irine says, “After her graduation, she opened her shop … and she is doing great. Her self-esteem is high, she is confident, and she is managing her own shop. She is among the alumni that we count on too because she is determined.”
Jentrix’s shop is located at Maili Saba Market settled within a collection of small shops, much like a small strip mall along a major road, and has double metal doors that open out to the street. Like many who have their own shops, Jentrix is in the process of portioning off her shop to make it into a “live/work” space — the front half as shop space for working and conducting business, and the back half as living space. In the meantime, she’s currently living with her aunt, and her aunt’s eight grandchildren, nearby.
A long, wooden counter inside runs nearly the length of the shop with a wooden wall behind — dividing shop and home — displaying various fabrics. Two man-powered sewing machines also occupy the shop, one that Jentrix acquired with her earnings from the Neema shop in her third year internship, and one given to her by her aunt who has done some tailoring in the past.
The majority of the work Jentrix does is clothes repairs and making school uniforms. Uniforms are required in Kenyan schools, and fortunately, there is a school right across the street from Jentrix’s shop. Our Business Skills Development Mentor, Loitanit — who works closely with Neema alumni — has encouraged Jentrix to take advantage of her situation and approach the school about making uniforms for the students as this could present a great business opportunity for her.
Jentrix (second from left)
Jentrix is happy with her business and says it’s a good place, and she has good customers. Most of her business comes through referrals, and she’s able to earn an income and be self-sustaining. Fortunately, Jentrix doesn’t have to pay rent to live with her aunt, and so she’s able to save some of the money she earns and reinvest some of it back into her business, buying things like thread, replacement needles for her machines, and new fabric. And with the skills she learned at Neema, she’s keeping record of her sales. Her goal is to expand her stock of fabric with different varieties so she can acquire different kinds of clients, and she hopes to expand her business and be well known in the area where she’s located.
Jentrix is grateful for what she was taught at Neema, particularly when it comes to dealing with customers, because she encounters all different types of customers. She says that some customers come in and place an order, and when the order is ready, they either say, “That is exactly what I wanted,” or “This is not exactly what I wanted.” She’s learned that there are different kinds of customers, and it’s important to let the customer be right and not to treat them harshly. Instead, talk to them nicely, and let them feel right — even if they’re wrong — so that they come back another time.
Irine continues, “What [Jentrix] learned at Neema is now being put into practice [and] her shop is doing so well. This is because Neema has really impacted her life, and now she has hope that her future will be great. She usually acknowledges that if it wasn’t for Neema, her life would be hopeless because of her family background.
“She is happy and optimistic seeing her dreams coming to pass. She is in the position of encouraging the youths in the community because her life is a testimony—girls really admire her hard work and passion towards her skills. We at Neema are proud of her.”
Jentrix watching a friend’s child
Jentrix prepares dinner
Jentrix washing dishes after dinner at Neema
Jentrix works in the Neema shop as a third year student in 2021
Jentrix as a second year student in the classroom in 2020