Guardian Gathering Highlights

At NEEMA, we recognize the whole family plays an important role in the life of each young women in our care.  In March, we held 2 gatherings for the guardians of each NEEMA girl.  We were thankful to have 100% attendance, allowing us the opportunity to interact and build relationships with so many family members.  The staff share the goals for the year, review the rules, and discuss highlights from the launch of the new year.  Another highlight, is the first year girls greeting their family members in their brand new NEEMA uniforms.  It is symbolic of each one successfully walking through the probationary period and settling into their role as a NEEMA student for the next 3 years.

A large part of what takes place during this time together is gathering information on how the girls appear to be doing at home, as daughters, mothers, sisters, community members.  The guardians are encouraged to take an active role in talking with the girls about their futures and what will come next for them.  

A highlight of these gatherings is hearing reports on how the girls have changed since beginning their time at NEEMA.  At our recent gathering, Virginia's sisters shared,

We don't even recognize this girl now that she is at NEEMA.  What have you done with her?  She is no longer cheeky.  She is now a preacher at home.   

The guardians are engaged, they are thankful, they are supportive of the staff and they are doing their part to come alongside these young women. It is having a powerful impact on the journey each young woman is on and we are truly thankful for their involvement.

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