Staff Stories: Joyce


Joyce teaches second-year students at Neema’s new campus.

Joyce Wanyonyi, Head of Training & Curriculum at Neema, says, “It's only through God that I am alive.” Even when her dad and mom passed away, God remained a strong tower in her life. He opened doors and answered her prayers, including her prayers for a better place to work. This led her to Neema when Neema was first started under Transform International in 2008. 

Her faith has also strengthened her relationship with her students. Joyce explains, “All of us have one faith: Jesus Christ being the way, truth and life.” Focusing on God’s attributes helps her to better understand her students, and their strengths and weaknesses. She helps them so that they can focus on Neema’s vision and mission to glorify God through their own transformation.

Joyce teaches a second-year student.

Joyce teaches students in 2018 in Neema’s old campus.

“Being a teacher, the skills that I received from teachers college are making my work easier because I know how to teach [and] I enjoy [it].” 

Joyce’s education was very important to her, but as a child, school was difficult because she lacked her most basic needs. Joyce grew up in a polygamous family. Her father had three wives, and her mother was the first. While life had its ups and downs, her parents were committed to taking care of their children.

Joyce’s parents valued her education. Her dad was a teacher and he also did livestock husbandry, working very hard for his income. Joyce was able to attend school, though not as long as she would have liked, as her father, the family's breadwinner, passed away. Lacking his income, Joyce was unable to continue her education.

However, Joyce still wanted to continue her education, so she eventually managed to go to college and received a diploma in fashion and design. The skills Joyce received from teachers college have made her work at Neema easier because she has the knowledge to teach the students while enjoying her work. The skills from her fashion design classes helped her to acquire more knowledge that she can pass it on to her students and create passion within the young women for their craft.

Joyce at the Neema shop with Ruth Nafula, Shop Assistant & Tailoring Instructor

Portrait of Joyce

Joyce teaches in the classroom.

“Giving them hope through passing Neema will make them continue with life and start a new chapter in life. Self-esteem will help them know they are worthy and know their values, accepting new challenges, being resilient, and not fearing uncertainty.” 

Prior to Neema, Joyce worked with girls teaching them discipline and how to make garments. The experience helped her better understand how to handle students and teach them well. She now teaches the students at Neema fashion and design, disciples them, and offers encouragement to them.

Joyce does not have a spouse or children, but with her income, she is supporting two children for her two sisters who are in high school, as well as her step mom and other family members.

She loves teaching fashion and design, and her passion for teenagers and young mothers drew her, along with the program of discipleship, to do so at Neema. She hopes that Neema will be able to expand their impact into the community by being able to offer them the ability to learn new skills.

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