Posts in Staff Stories
Staff Stories: Victorina

Victorina teaches her students skills that will benefit them throughout their whole lives. Not only is she teaching them sewing and tailoring, but she also encourages them when they doubt their skills and equips them with courage to find employment after graduating. The students even call her Mama — and she loves it!

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Staff StoriesGuest Post
Staff Stories: Joyce

Joyce, Neema’s Head of Training & Curriculum, says, “Giving them hope through passing Neema will make them continue with life and start a new chapter in life. Self-esteem will help them know they are worthy and know their values, accepting new challenges, being resilient and not fearing uncertainty.” 

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Staff StoriesGuest Post
Staff Stories: Lilian

“I used to do casual work, I saved and I started a business frying chips, but it did not end well, so there was this day that I prayed to God and told him that I needed work. Like two weeks later there was an advertisement [for work at Neema]. I checked the requirements and decided to give it a try and through God's doing I was employed.”

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Staff StoriesGuest Post
Staff Stories: Eunice K.

Eunice, Neema’s Business Skills Development Mentor, says, “My relationship with God has been everything in my life. It has helped me to never give up and through church I was able to get a friend who directed me to Neema to apply for this job position.”

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Staff StoriesGuest Post
Staff Stories: Ruth

Ruth has a very special connection to Neema—she was once a student. As a former student, Ruth knows better than most the positive impact Neema can have on the young women that go through Neema. Life growing up was not easy for Ruth. Neither of her parents had a job, and they had to do casual work in order to support their family. Ruth went to school until eighth grade, but she was unable to do her final exams as they could no longer afford school fees.

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Staff StoriesGuest Post